To the majority, who ARE kind and decent souls, this movie was like "food" for the human spirit: nurturing, inspiring, aesthetic, etc. In our troubled world (for those who are paying attention) this is precisely what we need more of: show the best in us, not gratuitous sex, violence, profanity, and indifference. We cannot express our gratitude enough to all who played a part in the making of this beautiful, uplifting movie!
MASTERPIECE OF A FILM. ANGEL STUDIOS BEST WORK EVER. ALL ACTING WAS TERRIFIC, SHINING STARS CRISTEAN DELANNA AND YOUNG FEDERICA LELAPI (as Paolo). I am blown away that Rotten Tomatos gave it 98% have never seen that high. This film covers a lot, poverty, homeless, children, politics, immigrants and yes pride of Italians. So so much more Film of the year A REAL WINNER! To move forward together we must remove the labels on everyone Thanks to all who made this film happen.
This powerful well done film is not less than Five Stars. Acting was incredibly good by all. On a mission to help children in NYC poorest town. Amazing story of a very smart & determined woman with a lot of faith
Tired of Marvel and Fast and Fury movies? Want something different? Then this movie is for you.
Words are not enough of what I think of this beautiful Film.....a true master piece as it brings joy to you're heart and tears to you're eyes, as italian child of God it moved me in ways it hard to put in words, a Film that will be in top favorite films of all time, just a beautiful film from start to the end, the only crime is if it doesn't get nominated, I think Cristiana Dell'Anna should get a nod and the movie should get best picture nod, all though the other actors male and female did amazing as well, a must see and u won't be disappointed
Loved this movie for bringing the life of a remarkable woman to the masses. It is even more remarkable that she achieved so much between 1880-1917. A woman before her time. I genuinely cannot think of another woman to date that has accomplished so much and has impacted the world Like that of Mother Cabrini. Must see.
A true story about America and the Catholic Church, and how one woman can make a difference.
Quite interesting.
Showes what one person can do to change lives of many.
Mother Cabrini is one of, if not the, most amazing people (person) I have ever learned about. She should be a household name. Absolutely inspiring in every way.
Historically accurate
A woman who didn't take no for an answer in times when a NUN was very much in the background. CABRINI made history with so many accomplishments caring for the future generation with LOVE!
I agree with the reviewer who said, "The focus is on ‘Cabrini’s” remarkable achievements and not her immense love of God & Holy Spirit leading. White men shown as mean, violent, & vulgar. Attempt to soften public view on open borders. " Thus, it is probably not very accurate as to her motivations and spirituality. It says more about contemporary political fads. Angel missed an opportunity. Still, it's beautifully done and quite inspiring. .
OSCAR PERFORMANCE! True story and powerful. Not a film about religion but about God's children and the passion of a nun who is willing to give her life to help them. Must See!!
This is a must see movie.
Amazing, true story of faith, love and determination to make a great difference in the lives of people all over the world. Thank you Angel Studio's for bringing this story (movie) to all of us.
This is a great testimony of the crazy difference one determined & driven woman can do! Up against all odds, the system & the elites of the time that filled it. Powerful story. Knowing it’s true makes it all the more. Definitely recommend!
Very good movie the ratings have mostly fives and yet you have a 4.38?
Cabrini by Angel Studio, the same studio that made The Chosen, You don’t have to be Catholic or even a Christian. You don’t have to be Italian or even like spaghetti or pizza. This movie is an amazing and inspirational depiction of how one determined woman made an incredible positive impact on the entire world! I've seen it twice. I highly recommend it!
It was a fantastic movie, highly recommend to go see. You won’t be disappointed. This is what we all need.
A great movie of a life of service well lived.
Very touching movie, a must see. Her determination in the face of opposition, demonstrates God's power in her life. If God is for you, who can be against you..
Don't miss this movie!
Must see!
Finally a movie about a woman who made a big difference in our world.
Amazing what one life truly surrendered can do!
I loved everything about this movie and even though it takes place back in the early 1900’s, it’s still relevant today. This movie will stay with me for a very long time.
If you only see one movie this year, make it this one. A powerful and profound film that will leave a lasting expression on you. The acting, cinematography, costumes, sound, etc. are all Oscar-winning caliber. Truly a gem.
Looks like a very good, strong woman. I would have liked to have seen more where she was directed by the Holy Spirit, and it was an undeniable calling from God. Amazing what she was able to accomplish, which of course, could only be done through Divine Intervention. I just wanted to see it more in the movie, because this all was miraculous!. Reminds me of Mother Angelica - not taking no for a answer, thank God! Makes you think about what's going on today at our border. And what is our Christian response? And unfortunately, what is our realistic response based on our current, lame gubment policies.
Please Please go see this movie!! One the best we have ever seen!
The story was incredible and absolutley inspirational! The dramatic filming and music was top notch. GO SEE THUS MOVIE!
A true story of the power of perseverance. A testament to what good can be done if you don't give up. Angel Studios has produced another winner here. Well worth seeing.
So well done, you are instantly transported so powerfully you wont take your eyes off the screen. Big Screen movie a must.. LOVE IT. we need more well made movies like this.. Angel studios, Bravo!!!
This is about a woman who knew her destiny and answered the call. It's so much easier to have courage, when you know your duty in life. A quote from the movie: "You can serve your weakness, or you can serve your purpose." Watch her fearlessness and confidence reign supreme.
it was riveting! excellent story
Excellent movie! Great acting and cinematography. Would have given 5 stars, but this Catholic Sister was not portrayed in an authentic way, as her Catholic faith was not displayed (as it was in real life). She was only showed praying once (sort of). I noticed this, and it was out of character for her based on what I've read. However, the movie is still excellent. Wish Angel Studios would have portrayed her Catholicity, her love in and for God which drove her love for the children and those marginalized in society. Otherwise, still an excellent film.
Best movie we have seen in years! No profanity, no obligatory sex scenes, just pure and motivating in every way!! It was especially powerful in terms of how it showed what a woman can accomplish when she is under conviction that God has a plan for her!!!
An Amazing and Bold, Faith Filled Woman presses through very difficult situations out of Hope and Love for the Children and others who were suffering poverty.
Like: History of NYC Dislike: Left out faith in god aspect
Loved it. So well made.Old New York.and the trials and tribulations of Mother Cabrini and the Nuns. The dark side being shown but then the victory over lt! THE CHILDREN we must save the children.👏 BRAVO