Tuesday, March 14, 08:41:46 AM

We as Christians need to be prayed up and studied up in every ministry of the Bible. This ministry is highly overlooked. Thank you to Pastor Greg Locke and team for being bold and stepping out. Many have been set free including my own daughter! Praise to God alone!

Tuesday, March 14, 08:38:05 AM

I went with my 17 year old daughter and my 76 year old grandmother. I myself am 41. All 3 of us really enjoyed the film with a packed theater in Kansas City, MO. Great documentary, great testimony and the deliverance with the audience at the end is what everyone in the theater needed. Tears were definitely flowing and the Holy Spirit was present!!! Everyone should go and see this!!

Tuesday, March 14, 08:37:37 AM

This is real. The Bible says, "And these miracle signs will accompany those who believe: They will drive out demons in the power of my name (JESUS' NAME). They will speak in tongues. They will be supernaturally protected from snakes and from drinking anything poisonous. And they will lay hands on the sick and heal them.” -Mark 16:17-18 TPT If you are searching for answers, the prayers and declarations here might be part of the answer. It's time for the Church to rise up and start acting like Jesus.

Tuesday, March 14, 08:28:06 AM

This was an actual waste of time. Good laugh I guess tho

Tuesday, March 14, 07:52:15 AM

I just saw this movie in San Antonio, Texas. The movie itself was very good, and the deliverance at the end produced very real manifestations. A woman on my row was helped to be free of a demonic stronghold of witchcraft. It was powerful! Make sure you are prayed up so nothing can attach itself to you!

Tuesday, March 14, 07:47:37 AM

This was so dumb. They had people pretending to have demons. This is a joke!

Tuesday, March 14, 07:41:21 AM

What is shown is real! Deliverance, and the need for deliverance, is real! Many people in the theater I was at were delivered, and it was not a show or fake. The Holy Spirit is moving powerfully in our land. I pray scales drop off the eyes of people and they see truth!

Tuesday, March 14, 07:21:57 AM

It is real! Get out of stereotypes. Many people think they can stop the movie falsely by giving them negative reviews. Give yourself a chance to be free!

Tuesday, March 14, 07:07:31 AM

This is by the far the best movie I have ever seen. It’s real, it explains the Gospel of Jesus, and what God wants to do. As well setting the captives free !!!

Tuesday, March 14, 07:00:05 AM

Utter tripe. Waste of time and money. The people behind this movie are grifters and fakes. Don’t listen to them. Not biblical. Egocentric posturing and attention seeking.

Tuesday, March 14, 06:53:23 AM

You never know what God’s Agenda for your life is. No money scammers, no junk, but freedom!

Tuesday, March 14, 05:17:13 AM

This was a complete waste of money and time I'll never get back.

Tuesday, March 14, 03:43:20 AM

Love this movie! There is freedom in the name of a Jesus!

Tuesday, March 14, 03:24:07 AM

Its funny how this rating system shows people commenting on it prior to march13 and the movie wasnt even out yet. U can tell all the 1 stars are a bunch of fakers who are just trying to discredit the movie. Simply put Greg Locke was changed and saved, he realized that people were living under demonic operatives and did a 180 degree turn around for Christians and his own beliefs. Powerful movie. Witnessed multiple people getting demons cast out in the theater and me and my wife loved it!

Tuesday, March 14, 03:19:29 AM

These people use crisis actors and deceive people so they can charge $500 zoom deliverance or they sell merchandise such as tee-shirts saying raise the dead, cast out demons. It's a big scam to convince people they have demons so they can send them money. It's so sad!

Tuesday, March 14, 03:17:58 AM

Wish it was LONGER!! Awsome movie that will cause controversy due to everything trying to attack a spiritual awakening. The demonic realm will definitely attack this movie because it releases truth! I was saved 3 months ago born again and this is so spot on

Tuesday, March 14, 02:47:23 AM

Pure crazy. Why film it instead of medicating and treating it? Plus Greg Locke is not someone that needs or deserves a spotlight.

Tuesday, March 14, 01:48:40 AM

Finally the hidden truths are being exposed. Deliverance is for the CHURCH!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 01:39:47 AM

Absolutely the worst piece of cr*p out there. Whoever wrote and directed this drivel should be institutionalized. Highly recommend you save your money and do not watch this.

Tuesday, March 14, 01:24:13 AM

If you didn’t like this then you may have a few critters that need to come out. There’s freedom for you! Deliverance is the children’s bread and yes Christian’s can have a demon! I was radically set free from many demons and I was a Holy Spirit filled Christian! People were getting freedom in the movie theater, revival is now my friends!!! Receive it!!!!

Tuesday, March 14, 01:09:19 AM

Not a movie, more like a sermon. Deserves to be on the worst movies of all time list.

Tuesday, March 14, 01:08:16 AM

It wasn’t a movie it was a move! Loved the real life events taking place! After the movie people manifested and we saw miracles before our eyes as we prayed for them and they changed ! Wow! History happened tonight!

Tuesday, March 14, 01:02:20 AM

Excellent tools for the power of deliverance and its importance to the church. Must see, let the people free! In Jesus name!

Tuesday, March 14, 12:58:51 AM

Just more religious garbage. Bad acting, bad message, just a bad movie.

Tuesday, March 14, 12:12:43 AM

Someone sitting next to me renounced the spirit of suicide, and was set free tonight by demonic oppression. Walked out of the theatre a different person. Praise the Lord

Monday, March 13, 11:49:41 PM

?? . I could feel Christ love in the theater. Amazing deliverance

Monday, March 13, 11:40:15 PM

What an amazing experience! All glory to God for the thousands of people who are being set free tonight from years upon years of oppression! Thank you Jesus🙌🙌🙌

Monday, March 13, 10:45:15 PM

It was very informative and the deliverance prayers at the end.....MY GOD.... I was crying and getting free from things I didnt know were still there! What an awesome experience.... The theater however was a problem. They didn't turn the lights on at all. It was dark there whole time!!! Even when leaving, ppl need to use flashlights to move safely and to look for their belongings

Monday, March 13, 10:05:42 PM

This Is the truth about life you must watch the time is near

Monday, March 13, 09:21:05 PM

We can all agree each of us needs a divine touch of the supernatural power of God! Pastor Greg Locke will be doing a live prayer after the movie! Don't miss out! You still have time....

Monday, March 13, 08:49:10 PM

LIFE CHANGING!!! keep an open mind, we ALL have our own oppression but we can fight back!! THANKYOU JESUS

Monday, March 13, 08:47:29 PM

Absolutely wonderful. It is the complete truth and I am proud to be apart of this rise of a Holy rebellion!! This was so well put together!! Thankyou to everyone who put this together ??

Monday, March 13, 05:38:30 PM

The “pastor” responsible for this trite piece of propaganda is a charlatan, and it shows through in this wretched production.

Friday, March 10, 01:41:24 PM

This a life changing movie!

Friday, March 10, 11:40:42 AM

There are people who are saved that are against deliverance and people who are not saved against deliverance. Please watch the movie, as it is crucial that we make deliverance normal again, which is the way Jesus wants it to be. There are so many people in bondage today, so deliverance is still needed.

Friday, March 10, 10:01:38 AM

Genuine truth about demon oppression which is alive and well. Actual deliverance, NOT ACTING!!!

Thursday, March 9, 08:09:36 AM

This movie is for today! Deliverance is real. If people actually believed in Jesus and read the Bible they would see that this was part of Jesus ministry! 100% Biblically true movie! Come out in Jesus Name! Amen

Thursday, March 9, 08:07:15 AM

100% Biblical TRUTH! A once in a lifetime opportunity!

Thursday, March 9, 08:04:45 AM

Miracles, wonders, and healing is real! A MUST SEE!

Wednesday, March 8, 09:42:41 AM

Just another hate preacher making hateful statements