Saturday, March 4, 07:42:33 PM

Coming out was the most freeing moment of my life. Now I can live authentically as my true self instead of hiding.

Saturday, March 4, 07:41:35 PM

Movie is just an evil, hateful ranting of an evil, hateful cult leader named Greg Locke. He’s just brainwashing people to be as hateful as he is and using religion as a guise to scam money out of them. Greg Locke and his cult are dangerous.

Saturday, March 4, 07:41:14 PM

If you value your eyeballs, ears, and soul, do NOT see this travesty of a film. Wow.

Saturday, March 4, 07:16:15 PM

Best thing I ever did. Living my happiest homosexual life ever! Amen!

Saturday, March 4, 06:56:11 PM

Rantings of a complete nut. Don't waste your time or money on this garbage.

Saturday, March 4, 06:50:14 PM

This movie is nothing but a hate filled rant by people who aren’t interested in living and helping others but just living in fear

Saturday, March 4, 06:45:37 PM

Nothing in the movie is remotely based on reality. It’s all just a way for the pastor to scam people out of their money by using their fears of those different then Themselves

Saturday, March 4, 06:21:57 PM


Saturday, March 4, 06:05:00 PM

Low budget and stupid would be a compliment. Hands down the worst film I've ever seen

Saturday, March 4, 06:02:52 PM

Imagine a demon obsessed person screaming about trans people and how everyone who doesn’t do what thus cult leader says is going to go to hell. Sounds like fun doesn’t it? Don’t forget this is also the same jack @$$ who said children w/ autism are demon possessed. Yea I’d rather donate to planned parenthood In Greg Lockes name than watch this. In fact that’s not a bad idea. BRB.

Saturday, March 4, 05:59:56 PM

Just the ramblings of a grifter making money by using fear and hate. Slimy.

Saturday, March 4, 05:58:21 PM

Do not see this movie, especially if you support people with disabilities. Greg Locke says people with autism are demon possessed. Do not support this hateful, bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, racist, scoundrel.

Saturday, March 4, 05:53:11 PM

Do not recommend for any adult and definitely children to watch this .

Saturday, March 4, 05:38:51 PM

Lots of screaming ‘bout demons

Saturday, March 4, 05:17:41 PM

Megalomaniac GL at his worst. So angry, talking of demons and the 21st century! This cult feels hateful and vicious. Sadly, low IQ Muricans lap this drivel up. Yet they deplore the Taliban etc. Yet they're the very same. The world is shaking it's head at you, US.

Wednesday, March 1, 03:00:47 PM

This movie is the worst horror film.

Wednesday, March 1, 12:46:05 AM

This movie sends the wrong message. 0 stars. This man should not have a platform and if you liked this movie you need some self reflection and ask is this really what jesus would stand for.