Friday, April 15, 12:25:25 AM

Humor was lame. And where was the sex and nudity? Oddly prudish Friday outing seemed to be going for the kind of audience that would never watch this kind of thing in the first place. I would say watch part 5 instead because that thing had sex and sleaze galore!

Thursday, July 12, 05:50:56 PM

Easily one of the best of the series!

Friday, May 5, 12:27:58 PM

The writer/director deserves points for attempting to take the series in a new direction, but it just doesn't work. The humour is lame and nullifies whatever scariness they were going for. The series never recovered. If all this wasn't bad enough, this inspired the talentless hack Kevin Williamson to write the wretched film SCREAM. A shameful legacy. The James Bond-inspired title sequence was cool, though.