Sunday, July 13, 01:31:25 PM

Not an exceptional movie but was fun to watch.

Sunday, July 13, 10:34:31 AM

Lessons learned from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 1. Stay in school 2. Snakes make good rope 3. Big scorpions are our friends 4. Karen Allen is garbage I’ll by it when it come out on DVD just to use the disc as a coaster.

Wednesday, July 9, 09:59:01 PM

i think this is the second best indiana jones series ever

Wednesday, July 9, 03:21:59 PM

i know harrison ford was in all the indiana jones movie and i gotta saw he did very good in this movie its not the best but its one of the best

Tuesday, July 8, 05:57:22 PM

Very entartaming and yet very confusing. I did not get the ending. This is a good movie but has it flaws

Tuesday, July 8, 04:40:44 PM

because it rocks and Indi is cooler in this movie.

Sunday, July 6, 12:56:04 AM

I am not a true Indiana Jones fanatic. I did however, enjoy the first and third installments immensely. But this....I have to wonder to myself what on earth people were watching that enjoyed the movie. Clearly the saying to each his own comes into play here. This story had none of that wonder of what is around the corner. As an earlier user mentioned, the female character had absolutely none of the zip of previous episodes. I simply struggled to keep my eyes open throughout the movie. I am almost to the point that if there is another, I will not go see. Wow! What a collosal disappointment!!

Saturday, July 5, 09:03:59 PM

1989's The Last Crusade was MUCH better.

Saturday, July 5, 05:03:40 PM

it stinks like garbage

Thursday, July 3, 12:13:51 AM

Okay. I was entertained. That's about it!

Wednesday, July 2, 07:56:58 PM

For someone who never watched an Indy movie before in her life, I have to say it was pretty good. It was easy to follow despite not knowing some of the references the characters made, and Shia LaBeouf had me laughing at the image of him being a greaser. If you just wanna see a good movie and don't care about the franchise, I'd recommend this movie for sure.

Friday, June 27, 12:15:12 AM

It was awesome! You can't be a Jones fan and say this movie is bad! It's just not possible! It rates right up between Raiders and Last Crusade! WAY better than what everyone says about it!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 09:15:07 PM

If I could have rated this movie ZERO stars, I would have.

Sunday, June 22, 04:43:37 PM

I sometimes wonder if it was just pure luck that Spielberg and Lucas had created such successful trilogies because it seems like they develop amensia or writers block when they tackle new era Star Wars and this latest Indy movie. Both directors failed to reconnect with eager audiences. The Crystal Skull had opportunities, but I agree that Harrison looked bored. The story plodded. Many of the stunts were just outrageous, silly and done before. Larger than life chararcters like Indy deserve better. Don't you get how much we wanted to love this movie? Karen Allen's character showed none of her former fire. She got lost in the background and I found the young guy okay, but unconvincing, even wh

Sunday, June 22, 04:37:04 PM

it was a good movies but doesnt even compare with other indiana jones movies

Sunday, June 22, 11:07:31 AM

Classic Indiana Jones nothng new except the introduce of the New Indiana, so we have more years of the same plot.

Saturday, June 21, 05:01:51 PM

fun! just as it should be

Saturday, June 21, 11:08:42 AM

the movie is good but they should have filmed it when he was younger.

Friday, June 20, 05:58:21 PM

Very Good Movie. Not the best Indiana Jones but a good storyline and great action none the less.

Friday, June 20, 12:01:15 PM

No idea what they were thinking with this movie. Its like someone wrote a script in a week and said lets make some money. Unbelievable...I want my money back. Maybe Lucas/Spielberg were just better when they had to rely on plot to make a movie and not CG.

Wednesday, June 18, 03:04:44 PM

was not impressed

Wednesday, June 18, 09:31:10 AM

Good action and acting. Plot seemed far different from the others but too many people on this site are ignorant. This is based on a true Aztec and Maya civilization so this isnt just Lucas pumping in some aliens! Everyone needs to stop thinking they are real critics. In the end, very entertaining.

Tuesday, June 17, 11:34:09 PM

I am so appalled by this movie and its insultingly stupid plot and dialogue, that I am thinking of boycotting Lucas and Spielberg for the rest of my life. Is nothing sacred?..

Tuesday, June 17, 03:27:51 PM

Dissapointing. They tried to draw on the Crusade success, but the story is very shallow. Thre isn't as much clue tracking as there should be. Direction and visuals are nice, but some action sequences are too draged out. Actors did a good job, but the story is truly weak :(

Monday, June 16, 03:32:32 PM

An okay movie ... great cast, great action sequences, but did not like the "modern" twist to the plot.

Monday, June 16, 03:20:40 PM

It was terrible. I had just watched all 3 other movies with my daughters the day before and they really liked those. Then we go see this mess the next day. Stupid just about sums up the whole thing. I movie making you dont have to out do other movies with action, you just have to do it right. And this garbage was not right.

Monday, June 16, 08:50:11 AM

Not the best Indiana Jones movie at all. Was disappointed.

Monday, June 16, 03:29:33 AM

I like the modern twist on the movie. It just can't be like the old ones.

Sunday, June 15, 06:13:39 PM

Harrison Ford may have the charisma stiil but he can't carry the action anymore. Should have let the series end with the third one.

Sunday, June 15, 03:42:52 PM

hehehe I own the first three movies and they are great, and I also think Harrison Ford is an awsome actor, but for some reason he just seemed very tired and bored in this role. He just didn't seem like the same Indian Jones, like he was defeated let his age get to him. I fell asleep durring the first hour of the movie I just could not get into it, very dissapointing. I will probably get it just to go with my other three, but to go to the movies to see it is a waste of money.

Sunday, June 15, 01:27:03 PM

movie was pretty good. i gave up my golf game to see it. go and WATCH IT!! totally!

Sunday, June 15, 10:32:07 AM

If people are going to bitch about the aspect that aliens seem to have no relevance in history & Indiana Jones then they should do a little more research. The whole myth of Crystal Skulls are ALL ABOUT ALIENS. Besides, it's an action film!!! If you want authenticity then stick to watching documentaries on the enviroment or the plight of the penguins & let the rest of us have some fun.

Saturday, June 14, 05:04:46 PM

Dissapointing, why would u put aliens in Indiana series ? Stick to history not ufo's...

Saturday, June 14, 01:58:51 PM

I liked it, I own the original trilogy, it was not awesome(like you totally have to go) but I would recommend it.

Saturday, June 14, 04:19:23 AM

We won't see a better INDIANA JONES movie this year!

Friday, June 13, 06:02:39 PM

Terrible, terrible, terrible... 2 hours of my life I will never get back... This movie isn't even in the same league as the original trilogy. Did I mention how terrible this movie was?

Friday, June 13, 05:49:55 PM

it was asome loved it try and watch it some time

Friday, June 13, 04:34:31 PM

What a fun night at the movies. Not the best Indiana movie by far but very enjoyable nonetheless. A must see for Harrison fans and Indiana fans.

Friday, June 13, 09:57:30 AM

it is so funny

Thursday, June 12, 05:28:36 PM

I believe that Steven could have done so much more with this opportunity... but... if you remember that you can't take it too seriously... It's still a very fun movie. There are some great Indy moments, and some moments where you think "what the heck is going on??" BUT... it's fun!