Tuesday, September 3, 05:27:10 PM

How could ANYONE rate this brilliant work of collaborative genius one, two, three stars . . . ANSWER:Sadly, there are cinema goers wouldn't know a brilliant movie if it landed in their lap, sat up, and sang the Star Spangled Banner in 3 part harmony! It is arguably in the top 10 movies of all time. just sayin . . .

Friday, April 4, 01:22:45 PM

Great Acting, Great writing, Great filming, Great editing, Great Story---an amazing presentation when skill was necessary with no special effects of today, The pace unfolding the story was simply superb... This is one of a small group of unique films... simply--A MASTERPIECE.

Thursday, November 1, 04:58:34 PM

A stunning classic. Can't wait until Nov.11/12