You can tell it's a horrible movie that cost a lot, by the reviews. So many gave it a one, because it is horrible, and then there are the paid shills from Hollywood who infest this site with glowing 5 star reviews. If you're looking for a movie to watch, or not, just come here. It's obvious.
I can see why Emma Stone was shocked when she got the Oscar because she didn't deserve it. . I can't believe how wonderful an actress as her would stoop so low to play such a horrible part. It was hard to watch.
There's few movies with such diverse comments. Because of the more intelligent 5 star reviews, I have to see this movie, even with the expectation I might be a little uncomfortabe.
I would rate this a zero.......sexual liberation isn't for everyone.???? Serouosly ???? Ya justifying immoral sick women and adultery. That show how sad society has gone down the gutter, then people wonder why the way it is. So sad
Another weird one from Torgo Bigkneesos, the Greek Baboon. Emma Stone does lots of nudity but still doesn't look so hot. Mark Ruffalo, who had an ear blown off in Deely Plaza, is terrible here as usual. Watch something better than this.
Quirky. Funny. Intelligent. Unusual. Great settings and costumes. Very good acting. Don’t miss it.
looks like this movie upset Karen! Its colorful yet dark subject matter about rebirth and sexual liberation isn't for everyone. Women of a certain age will not like it (i.e. I wouldn't take my Octogenarian mom to see this). i've never seen sets and costumes like this, even the score sounded off/different. Mark Ruffalo and Emma Stone, who normally play such wholesome characters play against type, a traditional person might find this upsetting. As someone who enjoys seeing new directions in film, I'm glad I saw this on the big screen. ( I think of it as a bizarre companion piece to Barbie.)
Great. Best movie I have seen all year.
Absolutely horrible. As it started in Black and White ( as sure sign of an avant guard, left wing, luzer movie) she pees all over herself. I deleted the movie from my hard drive after 1o minutes....9 of it in absolute disbelief at how bad it was.
Waste of my time that I will never get back.
disgusting, disturbing.....Emma stone playing with a dead man privates and then stabbing the face repeatedly, and people would give this garbage high rating ???? Ya best movie of the year if u have no morals and have a sick mine like the director
Can't believe this trash was nominated for best movie of the year, thank goodness I didn't see this in the theatre as I would of walk out, how low can Emma stone go, it not like she needed the paycheck to make this wierd despicable movie, the visual effects is the only thing going for it
Cold, heartless, degraded and spiritually empty. So looking forward to seeing this as I am a fan of Emma Stone. It turned out to be yet another endless example of our society's degraded state, no humanity whatsoever.
Gorgeous sets and cinematography, eye catching, witty costuming, quirky but captivating plot, and mesmerizing actors. Emma Stone is amazing
Bizarre. No rhyme or reason. Stupid movie ! Walked out ….. waste of time
A great blend of comedy/drama..Fantastic performances and perfect visual effects..
Compelling kind-of Frankenstein-ish movie about the creature getting out in the wild, learning about human relationships and desires, a bit too explicit at times, but certainly interesting writing and especially cinematography. Emma Stone and Willem Dafoe at their best.
Almost walked out twice, kept thinking the film would change into something more redeeming, given that it was nominated for an Oscar. Not worth the time.
The previews painted this as something different from what it turned out to be. But... then again, it was such a mess I can't imagine how you could accurately describe it.
Loved her in LaLa Land but this was terrible. I saw interview with her & director & I think he was living out his fantasies with her as he could never date her. Scottsdale theatre group is surely appalled. I go to all nominated movies.
This movie was incredible. Such dark humour, amazing sets, costume design, acting and storyline. But it's definitely not a movie for convential movie-goers.
What demented mind thought up this kind of crap
I thought this film was fantastic. The cinematography, costumes, story, social critique, the way we view Bella’s story through her eyes… I relate so much to her character and love that this movie was unafraid to be different.
Didn’t like the first 30-40 minutes but it gets much better as it moves towards its conclusion.
Beautiful sets and good acting get ruined by the very graphic sex scenes. Although the sex is part of Bella's character arc, the sequences lasted too long and were much too graphic.
Endless possibilities of what you can take away from this film, it is art
Too much sexual content. Stupid movie. So stupid it's hilarious!!! Emma Stone is excellent!!
Exceptional cinematography and acting, twisted but captivating story
I was pleasantly surprised.
Someone here mentioned not taking the family. Who takes children to R-rated movies?
Horrific sexual violence3
Very weird and very science fiction. Alot of nudity and raw sex. The plot was deep and could be interpreted many different ways. Had no idea and would not recommend, especiallywith family! A waste of time and money
Emma Stone must have needed the money to perform in the raw. William Dafoe was fine, Mark Ruffalo another loser. Don't waste your money on this piece of crap.
It's one of those movies that you need to give yourself permission to laugh with. But when you do, the story just keeps getting better and better.
Too much pornography. Was not impressed with theme of movie. Acting was silly & not well done. Degrades women. Bad, bad movie.
Fantastic movie. Very unique.
An ordinary movie goer wonders why someone would "build "such a horror- fantasy and have a director with a producer run with it. Emma Stone is an excellent actress starring in may movies in her career. Yet she must be naked in several scenes with explicit sexual encounters with a cad of a man. Why? Money I suppose. A disturbing, uncomfortable movie. I left the movie about 45 minutes into the plot. Probably about 40 minutes too late but I was hoping it would develop into something meaningful. But it FELL far short of that.
Great movie. Emma Stone is amazing. .
Fun and creative, but too much sex for this cowboy. Makes me uncomfortable to watch sex scenes with a bunch of strangers in a theater.
Cinema magic! Loved everything about this film! It stayed pretty close to the novel that it is based upon. Well worth the read!