Wednesday, May 26, 12:46:17 PM

Okay movie with an arguably important message but narrow focus. They did away with super sizing because of this film. I can no longer get a super sized milkshake because a creepy leftist with a suspicious moustache wanted a movie career. Go to Hell, creep!

Monday, March 9, 06:55:54 PM

Makes us realize that consuming too much McDonalds or any other fatty foods can destroy our physical health. 5 stars

Sunday, November 20, 05:35:29 PM

Amazing! It`s exactly what people needed to see and what society should become more aware of.

Thursday, July 14, 07:03:36 AM

I really enjoyed your prospective on the growing problem of obesity within our children,and loved ones in general.I especially enjoyed listening to the nutrishionist,Dr.Bennett.How can she be reached?I really have some questions that maybe she could help me with concerning my niece.I have provided my e-mail address below if possible could it be passed along to Dr. Bennett,MS.MD.Please thanks again for telling the world about a problem that has been plaugeing this society for quite a long time.Finally someone with some HEART stepped forward to educate and possibly save our future,the KID`S of this ERA who now have the knowledge thanks to you M

Tuesday, April 5, 04:21:03 PM

Excellent documentary regarding what fast food can do to one`s body & health. Should be watched by anyone who loves fast food. Very entertaining & highly recommended

Monday, February 21, 03:51:32 PM

Spurlock is a genius! He used McDonald`s (as the most prominent fast food establishment in the world) as an excellent example of how the western mentality of capitalism and materialism is literally killing us. I`m glad Michael Moore pulled out of the Best Documentary Oscar race (I loved Fahrenheit 9/11) just because I think Spurlock should walk away with the gold!

Friday, January 21, 12:28:47 PM

a real wake-up call for all north americans

Wednesday, December 8, 11:40:34 AM

Excellent movie. The extras on the DVD are hilarious esp. the smoking fry.. and the hamburger eating junkie who eats over 700 burgers a year.

Tuesday, December 7, 04:49:43 PM

now u kno why u cant bring outside food into the theatres???

Thursday, December 2, 02:00:02 PM


Sunday, November 21, 11:56:21 PM

The movie was interesting for people of all ages. It was not bias and it is very clear to everyone that we need to monitor our food choices.

Saturday, November 20, 01:56:49 PM

best movie yet

Monday, November 1, 08:17:51 PM

This movie was a real eye-opener. What really scared me the most was when Morgan Spurlock actually started getting "addicted" to McDonald`s food. Plus, his liver started faltering, his cholesterol went up... no wonder why we have such a hard time staying healthy!

Sunday, October 24, 08:51:33 AM

Nice job, Morgan. Very well done, informative, creative and entertaining. Hats off to you for sticking it until the end-weaker people would have given up when their health was at risk. I worry about the teenager who went to Jared`s lecture. The only message her brain heard at that meeting was that "the only way to loose weight is to eat two sandwiches a day at Subway and I can`t afford that." This poor girl is just looking for justification to be overweight and I hope she isn`t 300lbs. by the time she is 20!!!

Friday, October 8, 01:07:16 PM

We need more McDonalds movie to get out one is not enought we need MORE!

Saturday, October 2, 09:44:14 AM

I love mcdonalds!!!! No movie or "?film maker?" will change my mind. So next, may i suggest sticking to comedy

Saturday, October 2, 01:27:15 AM

Loved the movie! Best bitplayer was Dr Daryl Isaacs who seems really scared by the end of the film. He looks like he`s dipped into the fast food chain one time too many on his own. Morgan`s results gave him something to think about, as with the rest of us of course.

Saturday, September 25, 05:31:36 PM

I`m currently over 450 pounds, and this movie should be a wake-up call for anyone becoming like me. It`s sad, i know, but i`m fat, and proud of it.

Thursday, September 9, 04:12:50 AM

A must see movie for every north american who has ever eaten at a fast food restaurant!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 07:43:36 PM

stop make mc donalds movies

Monday, August 23, 05:18:55 PM

This was a good documentary but was heavily loaded in one direction. Spurlock definitely had an agenda and worked hard to disgust and shock us. Sure McDonalds food isn`t nutritious and contains things that aren`t good for the body, but eating it 90 times in one month isn`t representative of real life. I`m sure that if you ate dill pickle chips or ice cream for every meal 90 times in a row you wouldn`t do well either. Point taken, though. It was entertaining and I thought Morgan was a hoot.

Friday, July 23, 03:37:25 AM

Well, I started to cry as I am currently 418 pounds...I feel like such a VICTIM of the fat food industry. I know, you`re all gonna say, "no one was forcing it down your throat" but really, they tempt you, almost taunt you to supersize your meal. (Particularily when you are large in stature) I wish this movie had been made 10 years ago when I was a healthy 167 pounds...woe is me...woe is my other me. I`m a fat man trapped in an obese man`s body.

Saturday, July 10, 07:39:47 PM

An excellent movie. Anybody who eats fast food MUST see this.

Saturday, June 26, 04:34:45 AM

The scariest part of this whole thing was when the movie showed what the school lunch programs were serving the kids - and then, in one school - for the very same price - the kids were being served organic foods, without added sugars, and these were supposed to be "problematic kids" - but they were all attending their classes, and paying attention. Food is a drug to the body, and we are poisoning our youth.

Thursday, June 24, 10:48:52 PM

What a great movie!!! A must see for everyone. It is amazing how much influence fast food crap has on our lives. See the movie and understand better why the US and Canada is FAT. And if you FAT, realize what it is that makes people FAT...FAST FOOD FAT. We all have to wake up and stop giving these guys our money. Drink water...not Pepsi or Coke....Water adds life not Coke. See the Moive....

Saturday, June 19, 08:24:39 PM

Really good just make sure you don`t bring fast food in the movie

Saturday, June 12, 12:49:46 PM

Great flick. In a Michael-Moore-ish sort of way, it compels you to recognize the potential danger in something so common. The movie isn`t really about McDonalds - it`s about the culture of over-consumption in the United States.

Monday, June 7, 05:49:47 PM

best documentary I have ver seen!!

Thursday, June 3, 09:16:13 PM


Sunday, May 30, 07:21:55 PM

This movie has opened my eyes to the tight grip fast food business has over the masses. It should be seen by everyone!! Im not swearing off of fast food but I will definietly think twice when I needlessly desire the Mc munchies.

Friday, May 21, 10:46:47 AM

Loved this movie. This one should should be shown all across our schools. The director of this film did a great job and we loved this film.

Tuesday, May 18, 02:36:20 AM

Excellent. It won`t stop me from eating at my favorite restaurant but it might reduce some of my visits. As much as this film is trying to shed light on the dark rule of McDonalds, it also makes some valuable comments on other important issues in our society. Weight, diet, exercise, health and nutrition; to name just a few. It is a shame that Mikey D`s takes the blame for all of this as it is only the dominate player in a massive market.

Saturday, May 15, 08:21:49 PM

it made me hungry! well done

Saturday, May 15, 01:03:39 PM

wow... it was very interesting. Oscre-worthy indeed.

Thursday, May 13, 06:56:11 PM

This movie should be watched by every one who die for the fast food items, specially americans.

Wednesday, May 12, 12:44:22 AM

I wish this movie is being shown at every MacDonalds around the world and being advocated to those developing nations that are blinded by the american culture.

Saturday, May 8, 01:38:16 PM

I work for the McDonalds corporation, and I would have to agree tha this movie is dead-on. I don`t like it, but its true