Sunday, March 4, 02:08:46 PM

very good movie. Well acted by everyone. It was interesting how the movie showed how the media and police need and reluy on each other when investigating a crime.

Sunday, March 4, 01:38:59 PM

After seeing numerous great films this past year (Babel, The Departed, Children of Men, Little Miss Sunshine) I was also expecting to see a powerful film by a very good direction - David Fincher. Oh man was I ever disappointed. I have never dosed off at the movies, until about 40 minutes into this film. One of the few times I wanted my money back after seeing a movie. Boring plot, poor plot development, no interest in any characters. The only highlight perhaps is the cinematography. Hope the next Fincher movie is much better.***

Sunday, March 4, 11:19:25 AM

enjoyed the movie

Sunday, March 4, 11:02:46 AM

Great movie. Drawn out, but I still couldn`t leave my seat to get my free popcorn/soda refills. Maybe that says it all right there! See the movie, and go for the large popcorn and soda...and I am not a Tribute employee!

Sunday, March 4, 08:20:41 AM


Sunday, March 4, 02:31:48 AM

This movie was just excellent. The acting was incredible, the story itself unfolded flawlessly. It was 2h 40m long, and I wouldn`t have it any other way. There is only one thing that you need to have with you when you go see it. You have to know at least the basic history of who the Zodiac Killer was. If you end up going into the movie blind, I can definitely see how people might not like it simply because it DOES NOT follow the general guidelines of Hollywood movies. No happy-ending here folks! It even had me fooled a couple of times on whom I thought the Zodiac Killer was. This movie left me mesmerized for the duration of my drive h

Sunday, March 4, 01:22:30 AM

The worst movie ever, I want my money back. Very dry movie, not much going on and it was LONG.

Saturday, March 3, 03:47:54 PM

Amongst all the garbage that has come out so far in 2007, this one finally broke the trend. Absolutely fantastic. David Fincher in the chair is incredible as always. And RD Jr. once again provideds a flawless performance.

Saturday, March 3, 01:45:21 PM

tooooooooo long yo...yes

Saturday, March 3, 11:22:44 AM

scary, in a sneaking-up-behind-you-in-the-shadows kind of way. you feel it coming, but you don`t know when it will strike...until...whammo!!! i almost choked on my popcorn. thank goodness for copious amounts of diet coke. thank you tribute, for the wonderfully large drinks.

Saturday, March 3, 11:11:35 AM

to sum it up in one word, dare I say.... fffffreakin`fabulous?

Saturday, March 3, 11:00:00 AM

This is a very long movie! I found it dull despite good performances by the actors.

Saturday, March 3, 09:07:12 AM

Too long. Too many characters that weren`t relevant. This movie walks you around in a big circle, and leaves you in the end disappointed.

Saturday, March 3, 02:54:54 AM

Oh man was this movie ever long!!!! I couldn`t even sit anymore, I thought it was ok and there were some interesting parts but about an hour into it it dragged and dragged and dragged, i was ready for a nap.!! I still give it 3 stars though, but if u like long movies than go for it.

Friday, March 2, 11:25:46 PM

The worst movie I`ve ever seen. Not sure how they turned this crap into a movie, as it was just long and boring. What a total waste of time and money.

Friday, March 2, 08:14:34 PM

the ended it very well....

Friday, March 2, 04:08:44 PM

Not a horror or even a thriller, but creepy in parts just the same.

Friday, March 2, 04:00:17 PM

Sort of like a long Law & Order episode (that`s a compliment!).

Friday, March 2, 03:56:12 PM

No wonder the critics gave it rave reviews, it`s amazing.

Friday, March 2, 03:23:46 PM

Best movie I`ve seen in ages!

Friday, March 2, 03:21:45 PM


Friday, March 2, 03:19:36 PM

Really, really good. I was interested all the way through.

Friday, March 2, 03:18:31 PM

I never heard of this murderer but it was fascinating. I like real life stories.