Charlie Manx (Zachary Quinto), a seductive immortal who feeds on the souls of children, has his world threatened when Victoria "Vic" McQueen (Ashleigh Cummings ), a young woman in New England, discovers she has a a supernatural ability to track the villain.
In the second season, Vic remains more determined than ever to destroy Charlie. Charlie, having faced his own mortality, emerges desperate for revenge against Vic. This time, he sets his sights on the person who means most to Vic—her eight-year-old son Wayne (Jason David).
Based on the novel by Joe Hill.
Stefan Schwartz, Tim Southam, Kari Skogland, Toa Fraser, Craig William Macneill, Jeremy Webb, Tricia Brock, John Shiban, Hanelle M. Culpepper
Amazon Prime Video
Shana Fischer Huber
Ashleigh Cummings, Zachary Quinto, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Dalton Harrod, Jason David
Jami O'Brien, Lucy Thurber, A. Rey Pamatmat, Loy A. Webb, Tom Brady, Megan Mostyn-Brown, Marcus Gardley, Mark Richard, David Grimm