Sunday, March 5, 08:54:15 AM

This is nothing but mind control on video. That someone could convince people that there are witches and warlocks and that there is actual demon possession out there is shameful. This man is running a cult and that's all there is to it. Locke is an abuser, an adulterer, and a shameless self promoter. He is another David Koresh or Jim Jones just waiting to happen. Avoid this movie at all costs.

Sunday, March 5, 08:52:53 AM

This movie was powerful. 6 months of production and the result was outstanding. It shows the almost demascus road moment for Pastor Greg Locke. God has chosen him to push Deliverance Global! It's sad cause the reviews here are hateful and tasteless and are basing off of past. It's clear some of these people need Deliverance. This movie will change your life!

Sunday, March 5, 08:10:47 AM

This movie gives hope to the hopeless. People that have sought help, struggling to understand why they can’t push through or be free, this movie provides a guide to why that is and how to get free!! It was nothing less than powerful and the negative reviews are obviously from the same person posting continuously to discredit and keep people from being set free.

Sunday, March 5, 08:07:39 AM

This is an example why people are running from Christianity. It is horrible.

Sunday, March 5, 07:59:09 AM

Words cannot express how powerful “Come Out In Jesus Name” was to watch at the premier. The power of deliverance is so needed in the churches today.

Sunday, March 5, 07:21:17 AM

Why hasn’t Greg been arrested yet? Greg was at the capital on January 6th- there is plenty of photographic evidence. Also- he is on drugs. This man should be in jail- not stealing people’s money under the guise of “religion”. Some people would follow the devil straight to hell….and they are at Greg’s “church”.

Sunday, March 5, 07:17:16 AM

A “friend” invited me to go to the premiere. As I was awkwardly mingling before the show another friend texted me asking what I was doing. She immediately called me and started telling me the terrible things Greg Locke is known for. I spend the next 15 minutes reading about what a terrible person Greg and his cult is. I made it about half way through before I lied to my friend and left. Even without Greg being a horrible person…this movie is religious propaganda. Greg wouldn’t be a pastor if he wasn’t making bank and that is all this movie it- a cash grab. I probably won’t ever be talking to my “friend” who brought me to this trash also. If god exists- he is a god of LOVE….all Greg and his church knows is hate for anyone different.

Sunday, March 5, 05:59:41 AM

This is an awful movie. Greg Locke should not be given a platform to spread his hate.

Sunday, March 5, 05:32:42 AM

This evil creature (GL) should not be given a platform for his zealous hatred. Ranting, raving, spewing hatred and fear. He is obsessed with witches and demons. Everything/everyone who doesn’t agree with him is demonised, literally, and his cult are so feeble minded they would engage in violence to remove anything that he tells them is bad. Which includes “demon possessed’ autistic people, LBQT+, democrats, Freemasons, and people who read children’s literature- books he burns! Should be on watch lists across the security services. Also a cheating abuser and misogynist.

Sunday, March 5, 05:18:54 AM

I wish mr Locke would come out in Jesus name as the conman/cult leader he is.

Sunday, March 5, 04:46:03 AM

It was stupid.

Sunday, March 5, 03:24:12 AM

I dislike that Greg Locke is using yet another public platform to spread his lies,hate and bigotry against anyone who doesn't buy into his fake Christian agenda. Thank you.

Sunday, March 5, 03:00:19 AM

Greg Locke is a monster who attacks anyone and everyone he can, who would throw his own mother under the bus if he thought it would benefit. He is a Discusting human being n does not deserve to be praised.

Sunday, March 5, 01:26:08 AM

Terrible. Horrible acting. It's just sad and a waste of the time spent watching this sad excuse of a picture. A ten year old can make a better film!

Sunday, March 5, 01:03:49 AM

That movie promotes hate against everyone who’s not a Christian

Sunday, March 5, 12:42:35 AM

This movie is sick

Sunday, March 5, 12:02:52 AM

Greg Locke is a hate filled "Christian" who "leads" his cult followers with the perpetuation of fear and hate. The trailer was all I need to see. I am already familiar with his filth.

Saturday, March 4, 11:46:48 PM

Greg is clearly possessed with irrationality

Saturday, March 4, 11:37:14 PM

Hating all the people that Jesus would have sought out, loved, and ministered to.

Saturday, March 4, 11:19:31 PM

Utter tosh. Nothing more than a fraud trying to legitimize himself through edits and cheap music score. So not waste your time or money.

Saturday, March 4, 11:02:28 PM

I grew up in church and nothing this man says is biblically sound. Jesus didn't preach hate and violence. He taught love and acceptance.

Saturday, March 4, 11:01:07 PM

This is just hateful and absolutely terrifying.

Saturday, March 4, 10:57:44 PM

Greg Locke is a hate preacher. He’s participated in Jan 6th. He’s a covid denier. He had an affair with the church secretary who he’s now married to. He is a mean, vile human being. He’s called children with autism demon possessed, he’s constantly attacking the LGBTQ community. He’s a nuisance to his neighborhood.

Saturday, March 4, 10:48:43 PM

The cult of Greg Locke. They're not even a church, they've lost their 501c3 Charitable Organization status. So profits from this movie go right into Greg's pocket. Preaching hate, enforced by the fear of demons and witches everwhere and anyone who speaks out against him

Saturday, March 4, 10:43:25 PM

Locke and his cult members need to read and study Matthew 24, it warns of stunts like this. This is no different than the tax collectors using the church!!!

Saturday, March 4, 10:31:35 PM

Cheated on his wife and married the woman. Greg Locke is a disgrace

Saturday, March 4, 10:30:28 PM

Horrible and hateful. Disgusting excuse for anyone who considers themselves a follower of Christ.

Saturday, March 4, 10:24:10 PM

This movie is not suitable for anyone. They are grooming our children trying to believe in hatred and invisible sky daddies.

Saturday, March 4, 09:58:46 PM

Full of misguided hate, this is indoctrination and mass hysteria at its worst. Greg Locke is a snake oil salesman trying to get you to drink the koolaid and poison your mind, wielding religion like his own personal propoganda weapon, he tries to convince you that demons and witches are out to get you and he's your only salvation, for a fee... This movie is fearmongering recruitment trash.

Saturday, March 4, 09:57:08 PM

Was a waste of time to watch. Too repetitive

Saturday, March 4, 09:55:33 PM

Don't waste your time watching this. You will never, ever get that time back. This world doesn't need the hate being preached here. We all have better things to do with our lives.

Saturday, March 4, 09:46:09 PM

Unless you love to watch hate-fueled, self-important babble by con man and his cult followers, this is a no-go. We need less of this in the world. Ick. Jim Jones vibes, avoid.

Saturday, March 4, 09:33:51 PM

It seems like all the negative reviews were either written by one person on a group of friends. Because of that I wanna watch it more. I understand people being negative towards this… but it seems like no one really watched it and wrote about what they didn’t like about it.

Saturday, March 4, 09:26:38 PM

This man is an abuser and has absolutely no business trying to tell people how to be good people. He preaches that autism is demonic and is violently agianst the lgbtq community.

Saturday, March 4, 09:01:28 PM

These preachers think they are god. They are the American Taliban, they just haven’t started endorsing killing….yet.

Saturday, March 4, 09:00:21 PM

You could've spent this movie's budget to make some real change in the world. But you just want to convert more donors. Jesus would come after you with his holy hand made scourge of cords.

Saturday, March 4, 08:59:53 PM

This phony "preacher " reckons autism is demonic entity. For that alone he should be out of business and ironically, demonised. Not to mention homophobic, racist, misogynistic and downright dangerous. Burning books, reminiscent of Hitler. Outright grifter should be in jail.

Saturday, March 4, 08:13:01 PM

What a ridiculous movie about a hateful religious cult. Nothing about this is realistic or even remotely biblical. Howard the Duck was a cinematic masterpiece compared to this crap. I would rather watch Paris Hilton perform the Vagina Monologues in German than to watch this. If you enjoy listening to someone rant and rave about demons, witches, sinners, democrats, “the gays” and anyone else that doesn’t 100% buy into his bullshit, while living high on the hog on the donations of weak minded cult members, then cheating, lying, homewrecking Greg (who doesn’t practice anything he preaches other than hate) is your guy!

Saturday, March 4, 07:57:13 PM

This man claims to expel demons. He is capitalizing on the poor and weak minded who are looking for hope. He’s a demon himself.

Saturday, March 4, 07:56:11 PM

The man who created this is pure evil. He demonizes the innocent such as claiming autistic children have autism. He exploits small minded people to take their money. He tortures his neighbors with his atrocious rants that can be heard over a mile away inside their homes. This man is not a Godly man, he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.