Sunday, June 4, 12:24:11 PM

Best action/adventure movie ever made!

Sunday, June 4, 12:22:55 PM

Best action/adventure movie ever made!muB

Sunday, June 4, 10:35:27 AM

It's Raiders

Tuesday, June 2, 09:02:31 PM


Tuesday, June 18, 11:48:44 AM

Easily the gold standard for all action adventure movies. It gets no better.

Sunday, August 7, 09:13:49 AM

The greatest action adventure movie ever made. I saw this originally in 1981, and look forward to its return to theatres and seeing it again on the big screen every chance I get. Harrison Ford rocks as Indiana Jones. The ultimate action hero.

Thursday, September 15, 02:59:42 PM

Probably the most perfect action film and one of the greatest films in the history of this medium. Great cinematography, directing, acting etc. Spielberg even admitted that of all his films, this one was the most perfect he had ever filmed ! Hope for a 5th one !!!

Wednesday, July 27, 06:43:50 AM

One of the best action adventure films of all time. Surprisingly clever - great homage to serials of old.

Tuesday, July 29, 03:13:53 PM


Wednesday, June 11, 05:41:19 AM

In 1981, I was a teenager. That's really a best show! My favourite a young and strong man Harrison Ford. Because he was really best actor. In 2008. I felt very bittersweet because he is old age 65 years old now. I really miss a young man very much. Good news! his son Mutt Jones (Shia LeBeouf) will be become Indiana Jones like his father.

Wednesday, May 28, 02:06:00 PM

One of the best movies made in cinema history !