Thursday, June 19, 12:02:59 AM


Wednesday, June 18, 10:43:13 PM

Pretty good - better than "Lady in the Water".

Wednesday, June 18, 10:39:27 PM

Absolutley one of the worst movies I have ever seen. One of those movies to watch when your really hungover and plan on sleeping the day away! 1 star cause Mark is still cute. Acting was a joke.

Wednesday, June 18, 10:16:27 PM

This movie is turning into an urban legend on how terrible it actually is. I think it may actually develop a cult following - people will not fully believe how simply awful it is and go see it - it will be a perpetual cycle of horrible-ness. Yes, that's not a word, but then again, this is not a movie. It's poop.

Wednesday, June 18, 09:27:29 PM


Wednesday, June 18, 02:59:43 PM

this movie was terrible. I feel as though I lost an hour and a half of my life that I will never get back. I would have fallen asleep if everyone around wasn't laughing at the terrible acting and script.

Wednesday, June 18, 11:53:14 AM

M.Night should not spread himself so thinly. The movie The Happening....had not much happening. What a waste of talent.

Wednesday, June 18, 09:34:07 AM

2 stars because Mark Walhburg tried to make it believable.

Tuesday, June 17, 11:08:44 PM

The Happening is NOT happening. Worst movie I have EVER seen in my life.

Tuesday, June 17, 10:01:12 PM

I went expecting the worse - but actually enjoyed it. Judge for yourself... I never go by others reviews!!

Tuesday, June 17, 08:57:28 PM

Someone should pay this guy to STOP thinking he's good at directing and making movies. I am not sure who funds his project but this HAS TO stop.

Tuesday, June 17, 07:13:10 PM


Tuesday, June 17, 05:51:21 PM

I really liked it. It really makes you think about what we are doing to our world. Very creative and scary. But please, makeover Mark Wahlberg's hair. he looks like a dweeb!

Tuesday, June 17, 04:47:37 PM

GAAHHH!! The worst Movie I have ever seen!!.. Its was even worse then that meet the spartans crap...and I didnt think anything could be worse then that movie...But this one takes the prize...DONT GO SEE IT!! SOOOO BAD!!

Tuesday, June 17, 04:24:44 PM

if i could have given it a half star rating i would have!!!!! the exposition in this movie was terrible!!! the writing was completely amateur i feel bad for the actors

Tuesday, June 17, 04:20:29 PM

If I could have given it 0 stars, I would have. The only thing positive I can say was at least it wasn't aliens. However, it was just plain terrible. I wish I could get my 2 hours as well as the money I spent back!

Tuesday, June 17, 04:08:06 PM

I LOVED this movie. Yes, it is a little politically charged, as it is a commentary on our environmental impact (I can see why those who deny our severe negative impact on the environment will not like this movie). Yes, the chances of it happening are astronomical. But really, this movie terrified me for a number of reasons. The music fit absolutely seamlessly with the movie, its sheer "everyday" realism (typical of Shayamalan), and the speed of the "happening". And yet, in the midst of chaos, there is some quirky humor. This movie was so good on the big screen I want to see it a second time.

Tuesday, June 17, 01:53:09 PM


Tuesday, June 17, 12:09:32 PM

All as i have to say is if i could ask for a refund I would have! Complete waste of time & money! I didn't walk out only because i paid for it!

Tuesday, June 17, 12:02:59 PM

This movie was a complete waste of time & $! I luv Marc Wahlberg but not in this movie.

Tuesday, June 17, 12:39:38 AM

Wow. i'm having a hard time wondering why people are so upset about "global warming" and the environment. Global Warming is a concept that was made to make you buy more Hybrids and "ecofriendly" trash. where i'm from movie tickets are 8.50 a piece, i took my girlfriend with me. this was seriously the biggest letdown of the year.... bad way to start summer, atleast i'll set the bar lower for the next movies i'll be seeing.

Monday, June 16, 11:56:31 PM

I've had time to calm down after seeing this on opening night to write an impartial review. Simply saying this movie is awful doesn't even begin to touch the tip of this carwreck of a film. I now think people are seeing this to view how terrible it actually is. It's worse than you can imagine. Simply awful.

Monday, June 16, 11:23:04 PM

This movie was the typical M Night movie. Personally I think rating his films as thrillers is a disservice. His movies are never as scary as the write ups lead you to believe and that's OK. In my opinion his movies are made to make you think. I agree with the person who said it was more realistic that the typical alien movie. I think the problem with most people is they have forgotten how to think at a movie and can't handle something without extreme violence, blood and gore.

Monday, June 16, 11:19:05 PM

Horrible movie.. worst movie i have seen in quite a while. Total waste.. go to this movie High and you will Laugh your a** off.

Monday, June 16, 11:15:58 PM

can't believe it's actually happening.......such a waste

Monday, June 16, 11:14:55 PM

waste of time

Monday, June 16, 11:10:35 PM

this is what happen when u don't listen to other viewer's opinion.......i was disappointed......sorry guys, but it was a complete waste.......

Monday, June 16, 10:19:21 PM

I never write here but i feel it is my duty to tell all not to waste their money on this movie. Absolutely horrible and if you HAVE to see it maybe rent it, or wait for it to be on TV one day. Surpisingly terrible acting, the story line was terrible. Seriously waste of time and money.

Monday, June 16, 09:11:21 PM

HORRIBLE!!!! What the hell was Mark Wahlberg thinking??? Go watch THE HULK instead!

Monday, June 16, 07:49:37 PM

I don't know what movie all you negative reviewers saw...but it couldn't be the same one I saw (unless you are a kid...then I could see you thinking it may be dull) I thought it was terrific. A real thought inducer. But if you want to be scared this isn't the movie for you.

Monday, June 16, 06:01:58 PM

M.Night continues his freefall into the realm of terrible movies.Maybe he was trying to jump on the enviromental bandwaqgon with Al Gore .He fails miserably with a movie that is so bad and has some unintentionally hilarious scenes and dialogue.The female lead (Zooey ??)is terrible and thinks that acting involves being quirky.Stay away!!

Monday, June 16, 05:01:57 PM

This may have been the worst movie I've EVER seen. No redeeming qualities, whatsoever. Acting, script, plot, everything was horrible. The only positive thing I gained out of seeing this movie was that the power went out halfway through so I got a voucher for a free movie. Thank god for that. Don't waste your time.

Monday, June 16, 04:30:41 PM

Don't watch this movie. Seriously. The movie just sucks... i watched it last night, it was so horrible...

Monday, June 16, 03:46:19 PM

Bad movie, worst since his last one...Poor Mark Walberg missed the boat on this one. At least Paul Giamitti was roped into doing "The Lady in The Water"...Don't waste your money or time on this one. BAD BAD MOVIE. Starts bad and no resolution.HATE IT!

Monday, June 16, 03:39:30 PM

This movie sucks! I want my money back. First "The Village" was totally mis-advertised. It was not horror movie. That was upsetting. "the Lady in The Water", what was that about? Some guy in Hollywood should be fired for making that. But this movie totally blew the big one. It started bad and went down from there. An hour and a half I could have spent digging my eyes out. Sorry Mark Walberg, nice try but you came aboard a little late just ask Paul Giamatti...

Monday, June 16, 02:06:40 PM

The Happening leaves you wondering...when is it going to happen...Very big waste of time, not even a renter!!!

Monday, June 16, 01:49:10 PM

Like most people on here. i would have to agree to not go see this awful boring movie and i love movies and it seems really interesting in commercials but over all its really sad

Monday, June 16, 12:43:09 PM

Unfortunately the lowest possibility on Rating a movie is one star. It does not deserve any stars what so ever. Like 90% people here have already mentioned; no plot, no character, no script. 10$ paid for NOT HAPPENING. This was probably the worst movie I saw in ages. People running and dieing. Half of the time you will just see wind blowing and the trees moving... Okay, thats the most intriguing the director could make it. Mark Walberg you are way better than that. Please if you work hard to make your money don't waste it on this one. Buy yourself a beer and you'll be much better. Cheers!

Monday, June 16, 12:28:43 PM

DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!! This movie was definately an extreme waste of time...I was, by a longshot, the worst movie i have ever viewed. Save your money and download it free off the internet because M. Night Shyamalan does not deserve a cent from this cinematic disaster.

Monday, June 16, 12:26:30 PM

The actors were kind of weak for the characters played, mark walhberg didn't make a good high school teacher, too marky mark, he would have been better suited as an ex-marine or cop. Otherwise, the story was interesting, a little hoaky, but still interesting. Nature is attacking us b/c we are a threat to it, and is doing it by releasing air-born toxins, that make humans suicidal. The toxin plays on human anxiety to kill us, and can only be defended against with love. that is my understanding of the plot.