Thursday, July 27, 01:01:29 PM

To `Skeptic`: O.K. I now understand your argument, however, Al Gore shows two such graphs explaining that as CO2 increases as does the temperature. Do you recall the segment where his `scientist buddies` dug up the ice from the Arctic and determined the temperature of the Oxygen at that time as well as the carbon dioxide content in the air? I look forward to your response.

Wednesday, July 26, 11:24:46 PM

This movie was so well done. Incredibly informative.

Wednesday, July 26, 11:32:32 AM

Very important film and very scary!

Tuesday, July 25, 03:56:35 PM

Skeptic: Well that`s not what I meant at all; I know the Earth`s temperature is rising. What I was trying to get at is that there is not really any evidence that rising CO2 CAUSES a rise in temperature. Like you mention, the Earth`s temperature has been rising for hundreds of years, and CO2 has just recently spiked in the past 50 years; so obviously some force other than CO2 was at work in the initial stages of the warming. I`m just questioning the logic of implementing a protocol like Kyoto (90% concerned with reducing CO2 emissions),which will cost billions of dollars in terms of jobs and lost productivity, if we don`t even know if reducing

Monday, July 24, 11:19:02 PM

I didn`t know that Al Gore was (a) so intelligent and (b) such a passionate enviornmentalist. I enjoyed the film very much, but I found it depressing to think of how hard it is to get this message out. People mostly don`t care.

Friday, July 21, 12:33:28 PM

To that earlier `skeptic`, if you haven`t noticed, The Earth`s temperature has increased dramatically in the last 400 years. What happened in the 1600`s you may ask. The Industrial Revolution: Coal Plants and pollution were running rampad. Take that into consideration before you say that the Earth`s temperature hasn`t increased.

Friday, July 21, 10:52:15 AM

high school geography with statistics

Friday, July 21, 08:25:08 AM

good but not great documentary

Thursday, July 20, 10:19:27 PM

Go Al!

Thursday, July 20, 07:26:14 PM

Well, I guess I`m going to be one of those `skeptics` Al Gore talks about in the movie and point something out. Remember that graph he shows in the first 15 minutes of the movie; the one going back about 650,000 years showing the cyclic rise and fall of CO2 levels and how the Earth`s temperature follows the same trend? Did anyone notice when CO2 levels shot up drastically during the last 50 years that the temperature hasn`t, at least not nearly to the same degree? I think that this suppposed link between CO2 and rising temperature is foundation for Gore`s global warming argument, and he really doesn`t prove (to my satisfaction anyway) that th

Thursday, July 20, 08:37:17 AM

Excellent Documentary and very scary what we are doing to our Mother Earth.

Monday, July 17, 06:36:08 PM

Stuff I knew, but it was time a full length movie was made to inform people of the dangers. I thought it would be dull, but it wasn`t. I agree it should be required viewing in every school in North America.

Sunday, July 16, 09:34:17 AM

Parked my car and took out my bike. This movie is a wake-up call but it doesn`t leave you feeling hopeless.

Saturday, July 15, 09:34:54 PM

An eye openning experience you must not leave, only to forget!

Wednesday, July 12, 05:08:07 PM

Al Gore has done what no one else in the United States has been able to do. That is, he has been able to get the people in positions of power, the Media, the Government, businesses and even the average citizen to finally listen and think about what is happening to our planet. I believe he has done this by making a documentary that is not alarmist, not pessimistic, but almost hopeful about our ability to start to make a difference.

Tuesday, July 11, 02:39:49 PM

It was very informative if not a little preachy. Could Al Gore be thinking of running for president again?

Monday, July 10, 08:23:47 PM

nothing i didn`t already know. i think its a scam. he wants to be president. period.

Monday, July 10, 10:58:59 AM

Not only does the film effectively outline the challenge of global warming, but it inspires you to do something about it. I stopped at Home Depot on the way home and bought a bunch of energy efficient light bulbs!

Friday, July 7, 05:56:00 PM

Very powerful, started to car pool and walk everywhere! everyone should see this so tell all your friends.

Thursday, July 6, 05:42:39 PM

Made me go home and review the way we currently live and look for ways to change some of our bad habits. I think this is the sign of a great movie - it is life altering.

Wednesday, July 5, 05:45:12 PM

a very thought provoking movie. if things are not done about global warming soon our children of the future will have absolutely nothing to carry on was a very frightening movie to me.the governments of the world have to start doing something today not tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 5, 01:29:35 PM

A real eye opener, leaves you feeling guilty for all the unnessary things we use

Tuesday, July 4, 07:01:27 AM

I think this was definately one of the most important movies ever made in the last ten years and should be shown as part of every north american high-school curriculum. Along with `Bowling for Columbine"

Monday, July 3, 11:52:08 PM

A must see - listen, learn, and get active.

Sunday, July 2, 06:45:41 PM


Sunday, July 2, 11:59:16 AM

As a movie its a `2`. As a wake-up call it`s a `5`.

Saturday, July 1, 10:13:12 PM

It was like a 2 hour very very intreresting University lecture!

Saturday, July 1, 06:34:17 PM

Great Movie

Friday, June 30, 08:17:15 PM

I would rate this movie R for GORE.

Thursday, June 29, 04:44:17 PM

it stinked i do not recomend it to anyone!

Thursday, June 29, 03:34:55 PM


Wednesday, June 28, 06:53:08 PM

It was a great straight forward presentation on global warming. Not too sure about the frog presentation. Why a frog?

Wednesday, June 28, 06:02:20 PM

Everyone really should see this movie - absolutely incredible - a real eye opener!

Wednesday, June 28, 04:06:35 PM

Great presentation supported by nothing but barebone facts..

Tuesday, June 27, 10:48:15 PM

The tip of the iceberg of global warming issues. A worthwhile watch.

Monday, June 26, 05:26:39 PM

Every school age child should see this. All adults should buy a ticket (which contributes a portion of each ticket sale to Al Gore`s charitable site to fight global warning). A really important film for all global citizens to further educate themselves about how they play an important role in the earth`s fragile ecosystem.

Monday, June 26, 02:51:16 PM

Who would have thought a movie starring Al Gore and only Al Gore could be soooo good!

Sunday, June 25, 01:48:23 PM

MUST SEE!!! While not perfect, the message trumps all. Even if you think global warming statistics are exaggerated the information here is worth mixing into your mental filing cabinets. The rowdy teens in the theatre balcony didn`t make a sound through the entire film and were discussing it intelligently on leaving. Makes good companion viewing with the essential "The Corporation".

Friday, June 23, 06:59:33 PM

Well done - very informative and scientifically-sound.

Friday, June 23, 07:53:31 AM

A real eye opener. Gore deals with the issue of Global Warming but explains it in ways that non-scientists can understand. Highly reccommended.