Thursday, June 22, 07:34:21 PM

Watch Real Estate values crash in Manhatan and SoCal !! Time to wake up and smell the coffee, America !! This should be required viewing in all schools, PERIOD ! July brings us "what happened to the electric car?" which also looks interesting. Open your eyes with this timely, informative film. Gore for President !!

Thursday, June 22, 09:11:16 AM

gotta be seen if you have at least half a brain

Wednesday, June 21, 08:48:41 PM

I knew a lot of the information presented already, but some of it was definitely new.

Wednesday, June 21, 04:52:12 PM

Definately an eye opener! Changes how I viewed global warming before seeing this movie.

Wednesday, June 21, 10:06:18 AM

Frightening, yet uplifting. This is not a depressing movie, nor a boring one. Everyone should see it.

Tuesday, June 20, 06:40:31 PM

5 star An interesting informative movie which makes you think long after the credits roll. A must-see for everyone.

Tuesday, June 20, 10:55:24 AM

Compelling and frightening; this movie should be distributed free of charge to all high schools and universities.

Monday, June 19, 01:03:46 PM

If Al Gore had only become President. Too bad the world got stuck with a "We would rather blow them up then build them up" mentality at the White House. The U.S. would be well on their way to building a stronger , prosperous economy that paid respect to the environment had Gore gotten a few more votes. This is a must see for everyone on the planet.

Sunday, June 18, 11:23:15 PM


Thursday, June 15, 03:07:28 PM

This film is a must see for everyone on the planet. There is not a more important subject.

Thursday, June 15, 10:33:08 AM

A politician speaking the truth and a movie that doesn`t involve profanity or pornography? Three things that NEVER happened together... until now. Finally, we see why it is that Gore was called an idiot for so long. The best way to keep "An Inconvenient Truth" from being heard is to call someone stupid before they speak.

Wednesday, June 14, 03:39:34 PM

the firsdt itme I felt that Greehouse effect was explained in a coherant and useful way. lest you feel hopeless, it even fills the viewer with a sense of optomism and urgencey to change the course of our planet. everyone must see this. It needs to be in video soon, so the wider public gets a chance to see this as well.

Tuesday, June 13, 12:10:58 AM

The most important movie for people to watch this year!

Sunday, June 11, 10:28:23 AM

It is the must-see movie of the year.

Saturday, June 10, 09:07:33 PM

Everyone should see this movie. Maybe a ground swell would occur to get greater things done to save the planet. I don`t think most people realize how critical the situation is.

Friday, June 9, 09:34:04 PM

Al Gore is not just a professional politician. This documentary is well worth viewing. The man is committed to reversing the environmental damage of global warming and has been so for many years. You will learn something from this film. I urge you to watch it. It is just excellent. If however Al has any thoughts of running again for the presidency, I would suggest that he lose a couple of pounds.

Friday, June 9, 10:30:51 AM

What a great movie! A real eye opener. At times I felt very shocked and disturbed but oddly, by the end, I had a feel-good very hopeful feeling. Al Gore was surprisingly funny and charming.

Thursday, June 8, 07:19:42 AM

If you have an open mind, you will benefit from seeing this movie

Wednesday, June 7, 07:00:03 AM

Great documentary. Made me stop driving to work and seek out better alternatives. Now I alternate either biking or walking depening on my schedule. We can all do our little bit to help

Tuesday, June 6, 01:50:39 PM

I really liked the movie.

Tuesday, June 6, 10:31:41 AM

If you have an open mind, you will benefit from seeing this movie. And if you become involved and active, future generations will profit from your efforts. A definite must see for our and all future generations.

Monday, June 5, 10:38:52 PM

A definite eye opener to what may be happening to our world and what politics is ignoring. A must see.

Monday, June 5, 03:47:17 PM

A thoughtful and inciteful look at global warming and the danger it poses.

Saturday, June 3, 05:24:04 PM

Everyone should see it. It`s time people woke up and started caring about the planet we all share.