Monday, July 31, 09:46:10 AM

Wife saw it with our 22 yr old son. They laughed their arses off. The 1 star “it’s propaganda” morons are the same ones who probably protested vaccines. Get a life and stop watching Fox you idiots. It’s a fun movie with a good message about being nice to people. Something those right wing putzes wouldn’t be able to grasp if you gave them gloves with claws. I look forward to seeing it now. Wife said she’d happily see it again. Best movie she’s seen all year. And she wasn’t aware of all the right wing moronic hate about it beforehand either. Closed minded idiots.

Sunday, July 30, 10:52:49 PM

Overhyped garbage. The best parts were already revealed in the trailers.

Sunday, July 30, 10:46:28 PM

Liked how movie made everyone believe they are special just the way they are

Sunday, July 30, 05:25:27 PM

The dum dums who scream about this being a woke film would not be a good hang or someone you want to have a drink with. Funny, sassy, great example for girls and women and anyone who likes a smart movie that’s well acted, written, and directed. Highlybrecommended

Sunday, July 30, 05:21:04 PM

Well worth the time invested. Anyone who thinks this is “anti men” is someone with a weird complex and self image issues. Not a kids film, really for adults or kids who are mature enough to get the underlying message…girls rule, and I recommend it.

Sunday, July 30, 05:13:20 PM

Funny, timely, a great cast and really well written and directed. Bravo. The people who have made this a culture war issue obviously don’t get it, nor are they likely to get anything with allegory or parables…this isn’t really a kids film per se, unless your kid is mature for their age.

Sunday, July 30, 01:43:21 PM

The movie was a lot of fun and quite funny. There was an unexpected element of emotional complexity. Liked it enough to see it twice. Good summer fun!

Sunday, July 30, 12:34:11 PM

Quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen.

Sunday, July 30, 10:54:03 AM

It was boring and I did not like the fact that they tried to say Barbie was not dating Ken when she was and they made her leave the fake dreamland to go in the real world. Also it was terrible to me

Sunday, July 30, 07:24:28 AM

This movie is anything but cute or worth watching, but if you like pink, and don’t care about the plot. This movie is for you.

Saturday, July 29, 11:25:55 PM

It's everything a 2023 event movie should be!

Saturday, July 29, 10:26:26 PM

Lots to take away, best part is that an all girl Barbieland and an all boy Kenland while disrespecting and debasing the opposite sex does not work. The answer is somewhere in the middle. The images that Ruth transmits to Barbie when she does a Pinnochio and wants to become a real woman are images of motherhood…something nonexistent for the most part in Barbieland. I took my 7 year old daughter to see it and we have had some great discussions. Thumbs up all the way

Saturday, July 29, 10:01:16 PM

Women will understand this movie, men might get it, or they might not. The guys beside me were laughing too! That’s ok, this is about the female experience and it should be celebrated as we make up half the world’s population. The opening scene is an homage to Space Odyssey 2001, so that might have gone over some people’s heads. Barbie is amazing, just like she was when I played with her when I was a girl, because it was my story to make up as I saw fit. Maybe G.I. Joe is your thing, that’s cool but my Barbie rocked! And this is about Barbie.

Saturday, July 29, 07:44:10 PM

Great plot! What? Actually it ended up having a good plot. Barbie and all the actors and actresses were nice to look at. The writing was very good. Funny. Enjoyable. Lots of pink everything. See it!

Saturday, July 29, 06:08:37 PM

My 13 year old didn't even like it. Waste of time and money.

Saturday, July 29, 04:59:39 PM

As an adult loved the movie BUT had my grandchildren definitely not for children. Should be rated PG 14

Saturday, July 29, 04:44:24 PM

Worst movie I've seen, with the possible exception of Asteroid City. Don't waste your money.

Saturday, July 29, 03:47:08 PM

The movie is not for children. Is full of messages. …. You don’t have to be a mother, get rid of this bother. Children soaks. Barbie is in control, a woman of power. And many other messages. There is a part that it gets boring.

Saturday, July 29, 02:50:44 PM

Loved the movie. Loved the actors. Definitely a surprise because I thought it would be all fluff.

Saturday, July 29, 01:19:19 PM

Entertaining but very silly. Not what I expected.

Saturday, July 29, 09:30:53 AM

that a movie about a doll acquiring self awareness could bring about a self reckoning of women all over the world. The acting was spot on & Barbieland, although overstimulating, was pretty much as I would have imagined when I held my first Barbie (over 50 years ago). I easily could have missed this one. So very grateful that I didn’t!

Saturday, July 29, 08:31:10 AM

Hateful, dystopian nightmare which is not acknowledged to be a dystopian nightmare. Propaganda in its competent, more sinister form than the usual too-on-the-nose, and therefore failing type.

Friday, July 28, 10:44:18 PM

Don't waste your time and money. If you're into cringeworthy speeches, lame strategies and general over-acting, then you will enjoy this film. I left the theatre feeling like i lost my IQ after watching this trash.

Friday, July 28, 09:59:12 PM

Hoping to have a light hearted, nostalgic night - nope! What a mistake. Messages in this movie couldn't be worse. Not for kids. Only for unhappy, unhinged, super feminists who's idea of a good life consists of either the domination, or the total erasure of men. Really? This is empowerment and inspiration? Barf.

Friday, July 28, 09:03:57 PM

It would seem many of the bad reviews are from people who didn’t even watch it. If you think it’s mean spirited or “man hating” then you totally missed the point of the movie or didn’t even see it. It was funny, yet somewhat even a little sad at times. It had a great message about equality. The sexual innuendo was mild and would go over the heads of most children, but it wasn’t made for kids anyway.

Friday, July 28, 08:59:07 PM

Funny, nostalgic, with a great message! Loved it and want to see it again

Friday, July 28, 02:37:02 PM

From the opening scene of the movie (2001 spoof), I found the film silly, entertaining, and quite funny. Is it perfect, no, but it's visually stunning, and the actors really went for it. Don't overanalyze this, it's a great popcorn film. I feel sorry for those that just can't enjoy something for what it is but needs to find a secret agenda.

Friday, July 28, 02:33:42 PM

Our three granddaughters loved it! I enjoyed watching it very much and laughed out loud!

Friday, July 28, 12:57:56 PM

Barbie is the greatest!

Friday, July 28, 08:05:59 AM

I loved everything about this movie. It is fun, excellent and unexpected story line -excellent cultural critique about the expectations that we have and promote in our culture about gender and how women and men live their lives. Great directing - come see it1 You won't regret it and be prepared to have fun!

Thursday, July 27, 10:42:49 PM

If you hate men, this is the movie for you. I was shocked at how mean spirited it was. I thought this was supposed to be a comedy but I didn't hear a lot of laughter at the theatre I was at from anybody.

Thursday, July 27, 04:49:25 PM

Don't make the mistake of taking your kids. Don't waste your money. The movie is nothing like the trailers make it out to be.

Thursday, July 27, 02:57:46 PM

I'm amazed Hollywood made this. Well written and acted and beautiful cinematography. Future classic IMO. I'm sure there are people who will hate it purely over culture war silliness, but those aren't people you want to go have a drink with after the film anyway. Highly recommended.

Thursday, July 27, 02:56:10 PM

Defiantly a top fav moive. Hilarious and charming. I cried multiple times

Thursday, July 27, 12:33:30 PM

Smart and funny, with fantastic set design. Not sure why people are surprised that it's not for kids - PG-13 means exactly that. Nor is it "woke propaganda" either. If you feel personally offended by a Barbie movie, chances are you were trying to be.

Thursday, July 27, 08:11:27 AM

So much more than I expected! It was visually stunning, well acted, and so much more poignant than I expected. If you are planning to take a child, I would reconsider and invest in the dozens of other animated Barbie films out there. A lot will just go over their heads. Its made for all the adults who grew up with Barbie with adult themes and messages, perfect nostalgia!

Wednesday, July 26, 11:34:06 PM

so freaking funny! just a fun silly movie with great writing and a good story

Wednesday, July 26, 07:07:44 PM

It’s a dumb boring movie, not for kids.

Wednesday, July 26, 07:03:26 PM

This movie is utter crap, don’t waste the money.

Wednesday, July 26, 06:53:09 PM

Loved this movie! What fun !! I had a smile on my face through it all! Maybe not meant for the very young, with all the conversation about life as we know it!! But my older friends and I really enjoyed it all !! Good casting of all the Barbie's and Kens!!