Great Christmas family movie. Must for the collection.
An instant Christmas classic!!! A must see over holiday seasons from now on.
If there wause 35 stars i`d pick 35.
Boring, predictable and not the least bit funny
it was funny
It was better than i thought it to be.. The storyline is O.K, but it was extremely funny.. Great holiday movie for little ones.
this movie was very funny and a great movie for the whole family.
Not at all funny.
It is a wonderful holiday movie. It is funny and cute and very enjoyable.
~~~~pretty good~~~~~ great for chidren laugh your head off commedy
It was great that Wil who is used to adult comedy could convert himself to a kid friendly movie. He did a great job.
I thought the movie was very funny. Cute.
I hate this move.It was crap.
Great holiday season movie, very funny and uplifting. Suitable for any age group.
he is very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Da best movie in the whole wide world!!!!
i think that its a really stupid movie
great movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!u should have a second one!
it was agreat movie everbody should see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Will Ferrell is the funniest man in hollywood right now. Elf definatly proves this/\.
It felt like a run of the mill christmas movie, not much if any new ground broken.It would probably be entertaining for the little ones, but it didn`t have a overlapping generation appeal like shrek.Wait for video.
It was awesome. Great for Christmas time! Really gets you into the Christmas spirit.
I thought it was so cool i cried laughed and everything it was so good!
it was an amazing movie. My friend and I really, really enjoyed it. We absolutely loved it. IT was hiliraious. I am probably going to go see it again.
great, the entire cast is perfect
It was the funniest movie you would ever see you should bring your kids to see this movie.
Absolutely wonderfully funny! Zooey D. has an astonishing voice ... heck I`d see it again and again just to hear her sing! I can`t wait to pick up the soundtrack!
It was a fun family movie
i love for the yellow ones they don`t stop!!! hahaha hilarilous.
i think this movie was great i saw it with my friend and it was sweet
I like the movie, it was really cute. However, if you don`t like Will Ferrell I doubt very much you`ll like this movie
this movie was very funny. I would watch again.
Great show! I thought it was really funny at parts, only if you have a really really dry sense of humour you would understand. It got me into the Christmas spirit, excellent movie.
Excellent! I could picture myself in the candy cane forrest!
ITS THE FUNNIEST MOVIE EVER! i havent seen a good comedy lately so heni saw Elf i loved it!
"Hi, Buddy the Elf, What`s you favourite colour?!" HAHAHAHA this movie is great!
It would have been better if it had little more adult humor to it. but otherwise for the rating it was good!