Wednesday, April 4, 10:36:45 AM

Loved the meaning, and the action of the movie

Wednesday, April 4, 05:48:38 AM

The rhino with far more mass and weight than a Porsche can stop faster. Go figure?

Wednesday, April 4, 05:43:13 AM

The movie has multiple issues from acting to cgi, to plot development.

Wednesday, April 4, 05:41:52 AM

I found it annoying that one actress in particular was trying to be too cute. That's a sign of over acting the part and wasn't endearing at all.

Wednesday, April 4, 05:40:08 AM

I was impressed with the set design done in Atlanta and South Korea which were stand-ins for Africa but it was not enough to save the movie from being bad.

Wednesday, April 4, 05:10:53 AM

The worst action movie I've seen in this genre.

Wednesday, April 4, 04:32:22 AM

The camera-man must have drunk a pot of prescription extra-strength Colombian coffee before filming a number of action scenes that are fine for those who don't lose their cookies on a rough sea or are susceptible to epileptic seizures but the rest of us wanted off this ride. I see they remedied it later by giving him a drink and shooting in sloooow---mo.

Wednesday, April 4, 04:05:02 AM

Black Panther rode the success of its predecessors and with unjustified hype thrived at the box office. if subsequent Marvel movies are made like this one was there will be a noticeable backlash. This isn't the first Hollywood movie I paid for that I disliked, nor will it be the last, but I, as others, went to this expecting a level of quality that is lacking here. It's not enough to live on ones laurels because if Marvel continues to alienate its audience then they'll end up paying for it rather than us.

Wednesday, April 4, 03:51:04 AM

The supposed African cultural experience is anything but and somewhat condescending to real Africans, not to mention Europeans. That wouldn't normally matter in fiction but some are trumping this as having a basis in reality, of whose, only they can tell us based on their imaginary wishfulness. The movie has little substance.

Wednesday, April 4, 03:37:21 AM

A slow pointless plot sprinkled with political commentary. One has to have no critical reasoning abilities or be extremely bias to endorse this mess.

Wednesday, April 4, 03:21:07 AM

The cgi is jarringly bad to the point it affects the quality of the experience.

Wednesday, April 4, 03:00:29 AM

When this comes out forward to chapter forty-five (this will save you a little time of blah, blah, blah) and get to one of the only two scenes in the movie that matter. Or, you can run it from the beginning and do all your household chores like wash the clothes, replace the washer of that leaking facet in the bathroom, ditto for the kitty litter your wife put out, ( but more creatively with artificial turf so you can see where the term "pussyfooting" actually came from, ) and not miss a thing with a timely visit to the living room. If trailers were movies this would garner a five star rating.

Wednesday, April 4, 02:09:55 AM

I was surprised at the poorly choreographed fight scenes. Not professionally done.

Wednesday, April 4, 02:05:00 AM

Of the movies Black Panther ripped off, Lion King is the most prominent among them. Any parts in this dull version that are acceptable owe that success to Lion King and others.

Wednesday, April 4, 01:50:41 AM

This movie was so thrilling and the special effects engaging in ways that haven't been seen in decades, that I pledge to be first in line for a copy when it comes out on VHS.

Wednesday, April 4, 01:38:49 AM

Black Panther takes mediocrity to a new level.

Wednesday, April 4, 12:59:02 AM

The best parts were near the beginning and end with little to keep ones interest throughout the rest.

Wednesday, April 4, 12:49:15 AM

Only one male actor of note that was able to add a moment of believably to this show, but naturally he was killed off.

Wednesday, April 4, 12:43:15 AM

A wretchedly poor effort compared to the comic book version.

Tuesday, April 3, 10:34:23 PM

It’s great storytelling

Tuesday, April 3, 10:05:03 PM

Entertaining and a lot to unpack for some serious discussion with my family. Definitely worth seeing several times... this is a big film that manages to tackle a whole host of critical issues and yet remains true to the superhero comic movie style. We all enjoyed it and my youngest has been inspired to go learn more about the Civil Rights Movement, the Black Panthers, and Malcolm X. That's what good storytelling does... it inspires, provokes thoughtful conversation, creates opportunities to educate and ultimately should challenge us to reconsider how we address the unsettling truths of our world. Excellent film.

Tuesday, April 3, 08:11:00 PM

Very well acted and well written. I enjoyed it. But yeah, don't take your kids cuz it gets violent and they'll get bored and annoy other patrons...lookin at you, dad sitting next to me.

Tuesday, April 3, 08:05:20 PM

Brother made me see it...was better than expected.

Tuesday, April 3, 07:59:47 PM

Can't believe it made so much money! Almost as much as Star Wars. Was pretty good.

Tuesday, April 3, 07:52:11 PM

Don't take your kids.

Tuesday, April 3, 07:45:22 PM

Groan, must not see.

Tuesday, April 3, 07:39:17 PM

My respects to the director and the casting for pulling up this movie. In these days is not easier to start an original movie. There are now too many reboots in the movie industry. The work on this movie was clean and perfect.

Tuesday, April 3, 07:32:23 PM

Female characters were awesome!

Tuesday, April 3, 07:23:19 PM

Finally a superhero movie that feels original.

Tuesday, April 3, 07:20:36 PM

A great Marvel film and a fun movie. Storytelling was excellent, characters were funny, and costumes were beautiful. Definitely worth seeing twice.

Tuesday, April 3, 05:20:08 PM

Our whole family really enjoyed this movie! We liked the mostly black cast. Our teenagers especially liked it!

Tuesday, April 3, 04:58:12 PM

An inferior product best not redone.

Tuesday, April 3, 04:16:39 PM

Interesting movie with some good action scenes. Soundtrack was similar to the Lion King;perhaps they were trying to related the story with Africa.

Tuesday, April 3, 03:15:14 PM

Did not enjoy it.

Tuesday, April 3, 03:08:42 PM

Wow...must see

Tuesday, April 3, 03:05:47 PM

Wonder woman was really good. The Justice League was terrible. The avengers was pretty good, the Black Panther was terrible. Not everything on the silver screen is good, and not all is bad. But this latest rendering is weak and not worth the money.

Tuesday, April 3, 03:03:01 PM

I had recliner seats, good popcorn, a large drink, and bag of candies, ready to watch a Marvel masterpiece. I left after twenty minutes and snuck into another theater. Nuff said.

Tuesday, April 3, 03:01:43 PM

Definitely the weakest movie of the Marvel Universe. It makes Green Lantern look oscar worthy.

Tuesday, April 3, 01:53:51 PM

A delightful movie to watch. Cool scenes.

Tuesday, April 3, 11:15:58 AM

I thought the movie in its entirety was awesome, the action, the story line, the movie was really good