The story was fantastic.
Very cool movie to watch one more time.
We are not dark ages where women could not even vote. This was a science fiction movie, An universe that does not really exist. Have fun. Watch this movie without too much prejudice.
Loved this movie and we did not care if was a female. The more important thing in a movie is the entertainment. Have a good time and going out. We are not too grumpy as others. Lol
Female superheroes like'Wonder Woman are great but Captain Marvel is a man not a woman. Why would a woman want to play the part of a man? She obviously could not act. I guess it's part of how society in changing.You never know now if what you see is really a man or a woman.
Loved it . Better acting than most marvel movies . Great story . Supporting actors were great. Very powerful and entertaining.
Great movie.
It was a disjointed flavorless mess. good effects, yet soulless. I wanted it to be good.
Loved this movie.
Super fun movie ! Loved the laughs and action! Loved Capt Marvel and the cat! Always love Samuel Jackson!
She was amazing during the entire movie.
Good film.
Fantastic story with some touch of love.
Great movie to Watch!!
Very cool story.
Spoiled alert. This movie will get connect with the Avengers. Wait till the end.
Her acting was super well done as Samuel Jackson. Kudos to everyone.
Excelente story. I will watching this movie again next week.
Mediocre like most superhero films (except a couple Batman’s and Capt America). Thin plot, poor acting, lots of good special effects. If you want to see it the theater is a must unless you have a home theater. Grab a tub of popcorn and don’t expect much.
She should take acting lessons
Worst move ever
Best movie. Best cat role. The Oscar goes to the cat.
The best idea was the introduction of the cat who in the Comics contains a background story. The new concept of using a female super character was a clever idea. This movie is unique.
When she arrived to Earth. Lol Blockbuster? Very interesting concept. I can’t wait to see her in the next coming movie.
Funny and excellent story. The aliens planets was a very cool idea.
Cat robbed the show. Lol Jackson was very sweet with the cat. I liked this movie.
amazing woman kicking ass movie
Good action movie. I liked when she could chose her outfit color. We liked the story.
Excellent movie. :)
My son who does not like the Marvel universe likes this movie. We stayed to end to watch the coming movie.
The story was well done. Sadly the director who created the Marvel movies will not longer around. He was in one of the scenes. I think it was very sweet seeing him. This was not exactly a reboot. I loved it.
This movie is stupid. B-movie, poorly written with 70s era special effects and scenes stolen from 70s era movies. As the body double has more screen time than the main star, they should have given her the lines as well. It might have been an improvement. One of the worst movies I have ever seen.
I loved the story
I don’t think in this movie were trying to blame men. For crying allow this was a science fiction movie. Movies are made to entertaining no to create too much controversy. Excellent story.
Samuel Jackson did a wonderful job with his character. I liked the evil aliens trying to twist some of the plots during the movie. She was an excellent actress in this movie.
The cat was a male character so. Lol He was cute. Chill out people.
Interesting movie. I don’t care if the main character was a woman.